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Employment Opportunities

Want to Know About our Hiring Process?

We hire most positions in 60 days or less!

  • Apply

    Job postings have a listed closing date and time. We will email notify you in 1-2 business days after the job closes. You will receive one of two notice types to let you know your status and next steps, if applicable.

  • Interview 1

    The first interview date is listed in the job posting at the time it is open. Please plan by reserving the date on your calendar. This date is typically the week after the position close date or within 7-10 business days. You will receive an email notification if the hiring manager would like to invite you to interview. 

  • Interview 2

    Most departments will invite finalists from the first-round interviews to a second interview.  These are scheduled a few days to a week after the first interview. You will receive a call and/or email to invite you to this process.

  • Reference Check

    If you are the finalist after the second interview, we will notify you ASAP and let you know that we are going to check references prior to performing this step. Please be sure that your references are ready to go! The sooner we hear from them, the faster we can make our hiring decision and offer the position to you!

  • Job Offer

    Conditional job offers are made after the references are complete. You will receive a letter via email to sign and send back. You have 3-5 business days to consider the offer and get back to us. 

  • *Some Positions require Background Checks*

    Some positions require full-level background checks prior to Onboarding. The background process can take 2-3 months for certain positions within the Sheriff's Office, District Attorney's Office, and Probation. 

We want you to Succeed!

Questions? Call us (530) 265-7010 option 2

Hiring Tip #1

Make sure your application and job history are up to date before submitting your app.

Hiring Tip #2

Check the required documents and attach them to your application.

Hiring Tip #3

Research Nevada County and the department you applied to before your interview.

Hiring Tip #4

Our primary way of contact with applicants after you apply is via email. Make sure to check your spam folder too!

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